KHJ Studio
Leader of KHJ Studio, Kim HyunJoo is an artist and a designer focused on sculpture, installation, and craft-related lifestyle items based in South Korea.
Her design philosophy has always been to combine quality material with a craft-driven approach, to eliminate false barriers between design and craft, and to make things that function as art. Her love and obsession is nature and natural materials, and works mainly stone, and Hanji - Korean traditional paper. She aims through her work to deliver the ambient beauty of nature and craftsmanship.
Kim HyunJoo strives for contemporary harmony in the Studio’s productions. The grand theme is Plus Nature. The process is one of reconciling opposites:
When all these things are balanced, Plus Nature is achieved. The KHJ Studio lives in ‘the now’, but its values are those of all times. Quality of material, quality of idea. And to show respect for nature, and lives in the future, all KHJ productions are sustainable.
Her design philosophy has always been to combine quality material with a craft-driven approach, to eliminate false barriers between design and craft, and to make things that function as art. Her love and obsession is nature and natural materials, and works mainly stone, and Hanji - Korean traditional paper. She aims through her work to deliver the ambient beauty of nature and craftsmanship.
Kim HyunJoo strives for contemporary harmony in the Studio’s productions. The grand theme is Plus Nature. The process is one of reconciling opposites:
- Nature meets the city
- Art meets craft, through design
- Korean tradition meets modern life
When all these things are balanced, Plus Nature is achieved. The KHJ Studio lives in ‘the now’, but its values are those of all times. Quality of material, quality of idea. And to show respect for nature, and lives in the future, all KHJ productions are sustainable.
‘김현주’는 아티스트이자 디자이너로써 조각, 설치 및 공예 기반의 라이프스타일 제품을 만들고 있다. 자연 소재로 만든 작품을 통해 자연의 아름다움과 공예의 가치를 보여주고자 하며 주로 돌과 한지를 소재로 한 작업을 하고 있다. 2019년 친환경 생분해접시 브랜드 - 플러스네이처를 런칭하였으며, 자연을 담은 작품에서 나아가 환경을 생각하는 브랜드 제품으로 활동 영역을 넓히고 있다.
미국 캘빈클라인, 미국 The Ness Group, 아난티호텔, 웨스틴조선호텔, 렉서스, 신세계 백화점, SK 그룹, 코오롱건설, 한샘, 오롬, 프린트베이커리 를 비롯한 여러 기업들과 프로젝트를 진행하였다.
작품 및 KHJ studio 브랜드제품은 미국, 영국, 독일, 프랑스, 스위스, 네덜란드, 스페인, 이탈리아, 일본, 홍콩, 싱가포르, 태국, 대만 등 여러 나라에서 판매되고 있다.
또한, 스페인 Eco Design, 중국 Urban landscape Design, 중국 Creative Product Design, 한국 We_cloud 도서 및 미국, 영국, 오스트리아, 브라질, 프랑스, 독일, 그리스, 스위스, 폴란드, 싱가포르, 중국, 한국의 여러 잡지를 통해 소개 되었다.